8731879 / 050087318796


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624 918 ₫

Mua sản phẩm này bạn có thể nhận được 624 điểm thưởng. Giỏ hàng của bạn sẽ có là 624 điểm có thể chuyển thành mã giảm giá là 936 ₫.


덴마크 동화 작가 Hans Christian Andersen의 작품을 기초로한 1989년 월트 디즈니 장편 애니메이션 영화 The Little Mermaid [2CD The Legacy Collection][Hard Paper Cover]!

감독 Ron Clements, John Musker가 공동제작한 히트작으로 영화음악 작곡가 Alan Menken과 Howard Ashman, 오케스트라 작업에 Thomas Pasatieri가 담당했으며 아카데미 베스트 오리지날 송 (Under the Sea), 베스트 오리지날 스코어, 골든 글러브 베스트 오리지날 스코어 상을 수상했다.
이번 Legacy Collection에는 1989년 사운드트랙반 수록곡들과 함께 미발표 스코어 트랙, 데모 트랙들을 수록하고 있다.


01.Fathoms Below Performed By Ship'S Chorus00:01:41
02.Main Titles Score00:01:26
03.Fanfare Score00:00:27
04.Daughters Of Triton Performed By Daughters Of Triton00:00:51
05.Intro Ariel Score00:03:11
06.Intro Ursula Score00:02:36
07.Triton Reprimands Score00:01:49
08.Sebastian'S Dilemma Score00:00:44
09.Part Of Your World Performed By Jodi Benson00:03:31
10.Fireworks Score00:02:10
11.The Storm Score00:03:17
12.Part Of Your World (Reprise) / Ursula Plots Performed By Jodi Benson00:03:03
13.Ariel In Love Score00:00:23
14.Under The Sea Performed By Samuel E. Wright00:03:23
15.Sebastian And Triton Score00:01:39
16.Destroying The Grotto Score00:01:51
17.Flotsam And Jetsam Score00:01:46
18.Ursula'S Lair Score00:02:17
19.Poor Unfortunate Souls Performed By Pat Carroll00:04:48
20.She'S Got Legs Score00:01:21
21.Sebastian Relents Score00:00:27
22.On Land Score00:02:21
23.Miss Manners Score00:01:08
24.Les Poissons Performed By Rene Auberjonois00:02:09
25.Crab On A Plate / Bedtime Score00:02:20
26.Tour Of The Kingdom Score00:01:25
27.Kiss The Girl Performed By Samuel E. Wright00:02:40
28.Ariel Left Behind Score00:04:08
29.Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise) Performed By Pat Carroll00:00:31
30.The Truth Score00:01:22
31.Interrupting The Wedding / Ursula'S Defeat Score00:06:40
32.Happy Ending Performed By The Disney Chorus00:03:20
01.Fathoms Below Work Tape Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:02:13
02.Daughters Of Triton Synth Demo Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:00:55
03.Part Of Your World Synth Demo Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:03:14
04.Fireworks / The Gigue Score Piano Demo Performed By Alan Menken00:02:09
05.The Storm Score Piano Demo Performed By Alan Menken00:02:35
06.Under The Sea Synth Demo Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:04:41
07.Poor Unfortunate Souls Basic Synth Demo Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:05:05
08.Poor Unfortunate Souls Final Synth Mockup Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:05:31
09.Les Poissons Work Tape Demo Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:02:07
10.Les Poissons Synth Demo Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:02:03
11.Kiss The Girl Synth Demo B Performed By Howard Ashman And Alan Menken00:02:41
12.Happy Ending Score Piano Demo Performed By Alan Menken00:02:30

참여 아티스트 정보

  • - 다우터스 오브 트리톤 [DAUGHTERS OF TRITON] (싱어)
  • - 디즈니 코러스 [THE DISNEY CHORUS] (합창단)
  • - 르네 오버조노이스 [RENE AUBERJONOIS] (싱어)
  • - 사무엘 E. 라이트 [SAMUEL E. WRIGHT] (싱어)
  • - 쉽스 코러스 [SHIP'S CHORUS] (합창단)
  • - 알란 멘켄 [ALAN MENKEN] (작곡)
  • - 조디 벤슨 [JODI BENSON] (더빙)
  • - 팻 캐롤 [PAT CARROLL] (싱어)